Case Study
The Healing Justice Project
Camila Cabello
Launching mental health support for young people working on the frontlines of our social justice movements
Project Type
Opportunity Identification
Impact Area
Mental Health
Client Type

Client Need
Singer/songwriter Camila Cabello has been moved by her personal mental health journey to making an ongoing public, philanthropic commitment to the concept of healing, both personally and as a society. She has been deeply inspired by the young activists who have been at the forefront of creating a national awakening demanding justice and accountability for all. For many young activists, the fight for social justice has hidden costs, including exposure to extreme stressors and is happening alongside a looming mental health crisis exacerbated by the pandemic. Organizing, marching, and advocating for justice, and the long hours that go with it, poses a mental and emotional burden that has resulted in stress, depression, and even death. Camilla wanted to determine how she could best support them, asking Propper Daley to get her started on her impact journey with a signature initiative.
Our Approach
Propper Daley worked with Camila to research the field, understand what these activists needed, architect an impact framework and develop a program that could directly add support, resources and visibility for these young people. Given PD’s deep network, we were able to enlist the perfect partner organization, the Movement Voter Project, that has direct connection to young organizers, to create The Healing Justice Project. The Healing Justice Project’s overarching mission is to provide long overdue, culturally relevant mental health and wellness resources to youth activists and grassroots organizations working at the intersection of racial and economic justice, electoral organizing, and other movements that propel our country forward as well as lifting them and their work up through Camilla’s platform.

“In the past year, a global pandemic, an overt rise in white nationalist attacks and a deeply fractious presidential election have placed challenges on organizers and activists in ways that will be felt for the long haul. Unfortunately, they often don’t get adequate support. Our partnership with Camila Cabello on the Healing Justice Project will help fill that gap and allow us to expand our support of BIPOC organizers and raise awareness about the care that is needed to drive sustainable and just social change.”
PD helped Camilla stand up The Healing Justice Project, with an initial grant fund of $200,000 ensuring the work actively supported those on the frontlines. Through this effort 10 grassroots organizations (MN350, BLOC, Black Leaders Organizing Communities, Freedom, Inc, Student Advocacy Center, Faith for Justice , Muslim Women For, Southerners on the Ground Organizing (SONG), QLatinx, Mass Liberation AZ and LUCHA Arizona) were provided 6 months of direct funding for the healing justice and community wellness needs of frontline organizers who are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color, as well as the communities they serve. These grants prioritize supporting the regions and communities that stood at the center of racial justice and electoral organizing in 2020. Camilla also leveraged her 56M Instagram following to introduce her fans to all of these worthy organizations.